Selection of August 2022: Lines by Marian Kuric

Lines by Marián Kuric

I was interested in the nice roots in the foreground, which formed the letter V at the bottom of the picture. That V opened up space for the mountain in the background... read more.

Selection of July 2022: ELURRETAN DANTZAN (BAILANDO EN LA NIEVE) by Iker Aizkorbe


I approached the trees thinking that from this position I would get the photo I had imagined in my head. I was wrong though,... read more.

Selection of June 2022: Reflection by Tania Malkin

Reflection by Tania Malkin

The Image “Reflections” was Taken in the Remote areas of Northern Australia. It is an aerial image taken from a r44 helicopter. I have Photographed this location many times, however every time is different... read more.

Selection of May 2022: Luminous Lands by Alex Noriega

Luminous Lands by Alex Noriega

This photo was not the result of specific research, but rather of spending lots of time in one of my favorite places in southern Utah, USA, which is full of these badlands... read more.

Selection of April 2022: untitled - Gheorghe Popa

by Gheorghe Popa

I took this photo in January near my city in Vânători Neam Natural Park. At that time I was looking for certain compositions made with the drone at sunset... read more.