Selection of November 2024: Reflections on smelt ice by Nicole Barge
The ice that covers Lake St-Louis usually breaks up against the shores of the island, forming spectacular scales. That was much less so that day. Usually, I prefer to dwell on the reflections that populate the puddles. I saw one promising... read more.
Selection of October 2024: Caught by Daniel Laan
I loved the bare branch leading into the frame from the bottom left; here it seems to connect to the tree to the right, which in turn is holding hands with the one on the left of the frame, where it leads the eye down and into the center again. This compositional technique, done by careful juxtaposition, visually connects elements of a scene to make pleasing connections that were just not there. It's tricking the mind into seeing patterns where there are none; the art of playing with pareidolia. read more.
Selection of September 2024: Untitled by Gheorghe Popa
This photograph is the result of persistence and dedication, what I like to call a "hard-earned image." Capturing it required time, patience, and a determination to see my vision through. Over several days, I worked to create this composition... read more.
Selection of August 2024: Badlands Fog #3 by Huibo Hou
This photo is also one of my favorite examples of using postprocessing to enhance mood and improve simplicity. The composition in the original raw file was great but the overall contrast was very flat, not fully conveying the intended mood. So, through postprocessing I was able to bring that out. I used... read more.
Selection of July 2024: Adrenaline by Jeroen Lagerwerf
From the afternoon severe weather was forecast, and the first thunderstorm soon approached. This is one of the last photos I shot that evening because thunderstorms were coming in rapidly. I wanted to show the scale of the hut's humble position at the foot of the mountain peaks, so I climbed the opposite hill as high as I could, to get a good overview of the place... read more.