William Neill on Terra Quantum!
It is with great pleasure that we announce that William Neill will write regularly for Terra Quantum. As a photographer and writer, he doesn’t really need any introductions, as he has long been an iconic nature photographer and contributor to many photographic magazines. His photographic roots go back to working at The Ansel Adams Gallery in Yosemite National Park. William has been a resident of the Yosemite National Park area since 1977. In his photographs he conveys the deep, spiritual beauty he sees and feels in Nature. Whether classical landscapes or nature abstracts, his work always reminds us of this deep connection with our planet. Neill’s award-winning photography has been widely published in books and magazines, and his prints have been collected and exhibited in museums and galleries, including the Museum of Fine Art Boston, Santa Barbara Museum of Art, The Vernon Collection, and The Polaroid Collection. Neill’s assignment and published credits include National Geographic, Life, Smithsonian, Natural History, National Wildlife, Conde Nast Traveler and many more. read more.
Game of Raw
A Terra Quantum Innovation At Terra Quantum we believe that photography is neither a simple and faithful representation of reality nor a total transformation of it. The interpretation may be sober or exuberant, simple or complex. But an individual creation has no limit because it comes from our own vision and personality. How better to show the talent of the photographers of Terra Quantum than to give them the opportunity to exercise their art on a rough image? This image will be the same for everyone.For… read more.
A view of "Graphical Winter Storm" of Zsolt Kiss, written by Beata Moore
" I found myself drawn to this image not because of its light, but its rather bleak but nevertheless fascinating mood. One glance and the photograph connected me immediately with the subject of a severe winter in a pristine location. The place is completely detached of human element increasing the feel of the severity of winter. The trees in the foreground, covered by snow and battered by freezing wind convey a feeling of dynamic tension. The choice of placement of all trees in the panoramic frame is… read more.
Want to make sure your photographs stand apart from the crowd? Make a series, tell us a story!
How do we distinguish ourselves when so many images are produced in the world each day? How do we discover our own photographic style and find the best way to express it? You can now submit series on Terra Quantum! At Terra Quantum we believe that the artist’s visibility is enhanced if he or she is able to build a signature. This can be done by publishing a series— several pictures that are linked together because they share a common theme. Today, being recognized for just single pictures has… read more.
Terra Quantum meets Michel Thibert, pilot photographer
A unique and singular testimony of a pilot photographerin the True North: Michel Thibert Michel Thibert has been flying and photographying the Canadian Arctic for many years. He gives to Terra Quantum an exceptional testimony. My photographic art is striving to visually extract and isolate a part of nature, using my concept of forms, to unravel a significant and relevant perception of this part of the world. That world is the Canadian Arctic, also named True North or Nunavut. My two passions are… read more.