Talk #11 Photographs Do Not Lie by Beata Moore

We are all familiar with the saying that the picture (or the camera) do not lie, however the camera captures only a moment in time, and at a particular perspective, so in practice, the images tell only a fraction of a story. Take this photo for example, it shows this idyllic location, exactly how I remember it, or should I say, how I want to remember it - mysterious, impenetrable and peaceful. What you cannot see however, is that directly behind... read more.

Talk # 10 All About Nothing by Beata Moore

Ghosts Of the Sea by Caterina Mrenes

Art is about personal expression and the pursuit of photographic creativity is different for everyone. In recent years there has been a lot of talk amongst landscape photographers about mindful and minimalist photography. What is it that makes both so popular? read more.

Talk # 9 What Makes Us Shine by Beata Moore

Ocean Fury by Romain Tornay

Photography can be a wonderful form of self-expression. Not only it allows to express ourselves, but also uplifts our mood and reduces stress. So, what is so special about photography that so many of us cherish? read more.

Talk # 8 Equipment Matters by Beata Moore

‘What a beautiful photo, you must have a very good camera’! This is definitely not the best way to compliment a photographer! Has anyone said to a writer, ‘you must have a fantastic typewriter’ or to a chef, ‘you must have a very good oven’? If equipment is not important, why we photographers talk so much, and spend so much money on cameras and lenses? Obviously, it is a generalisation, as not all photographers are obsessed with the equipment, but it is fair to say that it plays an important part for many of us. read more.

Talk # 7 Symmetry in Photography by Beata Moore

Lake Bled by Andrea Livieri

As landscape photographers, we are acutely aware of the power of symmetry in our images’ composition. Symmetry is a tool allowing us to add harmony, clarity and balance. Asymmetry (in simple terms, breaking an established pattern) can be just as useful as symmetry... read more.