
Selection of August 2016: Lines by Ales Komovec

Lines by Aleš Komovec
When the lines meet the colors...

Lines by Ales Komovec
 I took this shot in Southern Moravia, where I went with a couple of friends in the beginning of May, when all the rape fields were a mixture of green and yellow. The main goal of the trip was to visit some well known landscape spots and maybe find some new, undiscovered ones.
We were returning from the morning shoot, when we spotted this location. The light at that time of the day was not good, so we decided to return in the evening.
It was a totally different story when we came back. I was shooting directly towards the sun, so it was pretty hard to take a picture without lens flare. I decided to take more shots when the sun was gone. The light changed completely from warm sunset orange, to colder evening light.
The post processing was minimal here. The main task was to get the colors and light how I wanted.
The biggest challenge for me when creating this shot was to capture a view that wouldn’t look like an ordinary field.


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